Writer and Cultural Projects Adviser. Bachelor’s in arts, Major in Visual Arts and Master in Comparative Literature, both by the Central University of Venezuela, where she also worked as an Adjunct Professor for seven years and where she founded the Postgraduate Studies in Art Criticism as well as Guide and Supervisor for the Social Services of this university. In Venezuela, where she lived for twenty years, she worked as curator for many cultural institutions like the Fine Arts Museum of Caracas and as an Editorial Coordinator for the publisher Orinoco y Amazonas, specialized in photography books.
In 2002, she volunteered at the Program for Social Reintegration created by The Social Work School from Caracas and dictated at the INOF (Women Detention Center) as well as the Training Program for Community Leaders. She was awarded twice to Best Thesis by the Central University of Venezuela and granted by the Red de Macrouniversidades de América Latina (Latin-American Macrouniversities Network) and the UNAM for a residence for literary research at the Mar de La Plata University.
Currently, she lives in Miami, where she directed Editorial Ígneo until 2016. She has worked as an Art Projects Advisor and has been lecturer in City University of New York and Miami Dade College. Her work is included in the anthologies Stop! One hundred women against gender violence (Fundavag Editores, Caracas, 2015) y 102 poets in jamming (Oscar Todtmann Editores, 2015). In 2017, she published her first book, Medulla Oblongata, with CAAW Ediciones. She has been part of the Board of Directors of Funcionarte since 2016.